Friday 25 May 2007

Organised Crime in Lancashire here with Manchester Tribunals again

This 15th in the series which can be likened to a jigsaw with its many pieces making up the whole picture.
Manchester Employment Tribunals with Lancashire County Council here (again) and other agencies involved by the time of these events, September 2004 to end of 2004.
"Who are these men of lust, greed and glory, rip off the masks and let's see"
Supertramp Crime of the Century 1974
An earlier entry outlining corruption in Manchester Employment Tribunals (MET) was criticalreader2007, second in this series after That entry will be posted again, there are problems in downloading it.
The case 2402412/04 Carol Woods v Lancashire County Council (LCC) was a case of Constructive Dismissal brought against former employers, LCC Education Directorate.
The events within the claim against LCC Education Directorate was an almost identical experience to what I had endured in MET in 2001 - 2003. The respondents then were LCC and the Directorate involved was Social Services. That claim had also been Constructive Dismissal.
Corporate fascists and institutional bullies abound within all Directorates of LCC; MET exists purely to cover for the numerous claims against LCC because they are what they are. Run for Freemasons by Freemasons and all at public expense.
After being forced from my post within the Adult College in Lancaster, and the related posts, in Feb. 2004 (see links and, I inititated an employment claim and requested that it be heard out of Manchester.
Newcastle ET had been extremely helpful in offering me advice and giving me rules and procedures where there were conflicts of interest as was well known; LCC and MET had close associations.
The Chief Excutive of the Employment Tribunal Service (ETS), Roger Heathcote had always helped as much as he could and referred the matter to the President of the ETS, Judge Meeran.
Meeran ignored Roger Heathcote as he ignored me after exposing himself to be a liar in the true tradition of the corrupt protecting the corrupt. (The ETS is known to be the most corrupt judicial service in England and that's really saying something.)
Meeran undoubtedly sets the standards for the criminals within the ETS.
(link to be added again, MET between 2001 - 2003.)

Brian Doyle was the Regional Chairman for MET denied me even an out of area panel despite provision of such within the ETS rules.
After another struggle and panic revision history from LCC a Pre-review Hearing was fixed for 29 Sept 04.
I attended duress and made that known.
There were indications that not all was it should be with regard to harassment, stalking, intimidation and the recruitment of bent coppers. (Link GMP. Lancashire police link to be added.)
LCC via the liar and perjurer, BEVERLEY CULLEN again had tried to insist that I be denied any documentary submissions for the Pre-review Hearing. I submitted a skeleton argument with related bundle of documents. I would not have been in the position I was in had it not been for the corruption from 2001-2003 (link to be added again).
On 28 Sept. 04 I received a phone call from a writer wishing to attend, Mike Ryan. Mr Ryan had followed my case from the very beginning in 2001.
He had phoned MET for details of the 29th only to be told that I wouldn't be allowed witnesses and the court was to be closed.
He protested, wrote a letter of protest and sent it via fax later on the 28th.
Mr Ryan rang me feeling that soemthing was greatly amiss.
The links with GMP did not bode well (link as above).
On 29th Sept. 2004 I went to MET with two very big men as minders.
This is the 21st C in England and I am not safe in courts of law. (Falconer knew and did nothing.)
3 others arrived as witnesses but the desk clerk refused them entry.
Whilst they argued about Article 6 and general rules of open courts I was told that I was on Floor 7 (scene of all crimes in MET see link when re-added and but went to Floor 6 with one of the minders to use the ladies.
Passing the last door of the corridor prior to the ladies' door we were surprised to be stopped and bawled at.
I was not allowed on that floor and had to go where my case was being heard.
I wondered how this ranting old man knew who I was, what my case was and where it was being heard. I then realised it was DAVID LEAHY, criminal and best-bully- in- residence of MET for which see link when re-added.
When he flung open his door we were able to look inside, there was DS ANDREW RIGBY from GMP (see link as above) and another who I did not recognise, LCC legal rep. B Cullen. It was clear that they were waiting to entrap me being confident that I would have been alone.
We told Leahy that it was a public building and I could go to any ladies' room I wished to go to. We then went to floor 7. The other 4 people had insisted on being allowed in and the desk clerk conceded that he had no legitimate right to keep them out. He said he would take it up with his union but never did.
The wait then was lengthy even though the court was quiet, there was no other case on Floor 7 that day.
When finally called in the Chairman was a MR ROBINSON.
He apologised for the lengthy wait saying he had only been given the file that mornign on his arrival. I asked why, it had been in MET for over 3 months at that point.
He didn't know: I did.
There wasn't to be a hearing, again.
Leahy with LCC would have had Rigby arrest me as per his promise (see link above) and any reasonable minded person would wonder what they had planned.
(It was to be end 2005 before I obtained the document showing what had ben planned, 4 agencies had been involved in the intent to harm me in MET on 29 Sept 04. I also had the faxed copy with the MET seal on it from Mr Ryan.)
B Cullen had nothing with her as usual. She had been expecting something different than a hearing.
B Cullen, lazy, stupid, ignorant showed herself to be just that. Again she had no points of law and showed astonishing ignorance in what she pretended was the law on costs.
I was forced again to give free legal education and advice.
Mr Robinson agreed with me.
B Cullen tried to persuade Mr Robinson to force me to pay the £500 into court that the rules allow for (they know rules that suit them).
Mr Robinson refused to collude with B Cullen at that point.
The lunch break was lengthy, hours in fact and deals were being done.
Mr Robinson was being instructed.
However, he found that I had all the points of law and the case would continue.
He instructed mutual exchange this time although I was to send LCC 3 crucial documents firstly.
The statements and bundles were to be exchanged after LCC had those 3 documents.
The case was to be heard over 3 days in Jan 2005, 17/18/19.
There were then 3 and a half months of increased stalking, intimidation and threats with the involvement of GMP wasting more police time in chasing me with false court documents issued by JUDGE HARRISON in MANCHESTER COUNTY COURT who thought that I wouldn't know the law.
(By then LCC had paid off the firm I asked to represent me THE LEGAL TEAM in BURNLEY presumably paying them to 'go away' as is normal practice for them: PAYOLA at taypayers' expense. I just stopped hearing from them and they ignored my emails. The Law Society doesn't see that as a problem. Link to be added.)
By then I had learned another important fact.
IAN FISHER, Head of Legal Services of the most corrupt Local Authority in England, organised criminals, LCC also represented Lancashire police. Such a lot made sense then.
Fisher had regularly, in arrogant patronisation, told me to report what I knew to the police.
He effecetively was the police.
The person who didn't truly exist who I was told to send all my evidence to by Lancaster police, was in fact one of the criminals himself, Ian Fisher. (link and
I had cogent evidence of that. PAUL STEPHENSON as Chief Constable of Lancashire being represented in courts by Ian Fisher. (See link
I also informed Fisher that a neighbour had a CCTV recording everyhting that happened on my driveway and at my front door. He pulled them back, out of range of camera but neighbours continued to watch and record and take photographs. They still do.
In November 2004 I received my first anonymous letter of threat. I copied it with a suitable response to every single bully, in every single court including judges, all of them. (Other links referenced within those given above.)
Later I narrowed the field of suspects. It was either VICTOR WELCH, perjurer and liar from 2001 - 2003 or IAN YOUNG, deranged deputy to Ian Fisher.
They were both sidekicks of senior managers, both with serious personality disorders. (My qualifications allow me to make that professional judgement.)
For example of Young's serious personality disorder see link
Welch appears in the link to be re-added for MET 2001 - 2003.
The time to January 2005 was a frantic time but my work then was as Quality Assurance Facilitator for prison education departments. I was self-employed and hardly likely to force myself to resign.
The crimes committed against me were many now and included:
Harassment and intimidation (public order offences): Aggravated Trespass contrary to Sec 67 (3) (A) of the Crminal Justice and Public Order Act of 1994 and Sec 68 )1) and (3) of same: Intent to harm:
Wasting police time (Police Reform Act 2002): Malicious Communications contrary to 1981 Act: Crimes under Sec 133, 135, 136 County Court Act 1984: Fraud, Extortion, Demand Money With Menaces, and I had no doubt that we would witness perjury and conspiracy again.
On Oct 7th 2004 I was hospitalised as an emergency, the stress through harassment etc had taken its toll. Falconer knew and did nothing.
What Falconer did was to issue an instruction to the Royal Courts of Justice admin. staff (RCJ) saying that I should not be sent the forms to apply for a judicial review for a gross miscarriage of justice. I was nearly out of time before I found out what was going on in the RCJ again (link
Despite being so ill I was forced to travel to London where the PSU in the RCJ obtained the necessary forms for me. (The subsequent events in the RCJ will be linked in the future.)
And that is British justice in the 21st C. Falconer dares to pontificate and preach to others e.g." Guantanamo Bay is an affront to democracy" Sept 06 Magna Carta speech.
Falconer and his judicial mafia is the affront to democracy.
The courts are nothing more than their own private circuses.
The rule of law is threatened by outside interferences.
ACAS had not appeared at all in this claim, they were conspicuous by their absence. (See link criticalreader2006 above)
Robinson had been disconcerted when I had asked for Extended Reasons after 29 Sept 04. They were many weeks in arriving.
LCC had written the document.
Robinson and MET lied about him being on leave to explain the lengthy delay. Robinson was not on leave, he was working as normal. This was to be another damage limitation exercise, another joke at my expense and the expense of the electorate.
Book being written for the unexpurgated version.
The next entry will be the substantive hearing in January 05 which spilled into April 05 and will be entered at
Carol Woods Lancaster